Wednesday, October 05, 2005

So Many Faces, So Little Time

This is by far my favorite face cloth so far. I have one more to knit--well, really two because DH said this morning that he thought he could use "one of those cloth things." He likes the masculine colors and designs on the ones for the guys in the family (dark green with a deer, red with a maple leaf, grass green with a frog, etc). When I tie them up with a glycerin soap of the same color, and dump them into the toe of their Christmas stockings, I hope they will think, "Wow, that's different--and really nice!" Isn't Christmas knitting fun?

I am about to post the pattern for the ribbed hollyberry socks on the Knitting-On-The-Go website. Thanks to all of you who have made such kind comments about the patterns already there. The comments indicate that it is nice to have simple patterns for hand and machine knitting, that can be adapted to an endless number of variations. The ribbed Christmas socks (KnitPicks Hollyberry is a red and green merino wool) are simply knit two, purl two ribbing from the top, all the way down the foot. But you can try different heels and toes, or maybe putting the knit side of the bottom of the foot on the inside for sensitive tootsies. Instructions for all will be given.

It's a beautiful day in Fort Worth, Texas! A cold front is moving in this evening, and it is already cooling from yesterday's 91 degrees. It's too pretty to work--wish I could sit on the patio, drink coffee, and knit all day. I wish you all a day of knitting.