Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Yes I Can!

I told sweet Grace I would send a wash/dish cloth for her sweet daughter's shower and I have been slow in making good on my promise.  So, I thought I would get started this weekend and maybe knock off two cloths.  Problem--I fell in love with the Nubbie Scrubbies pattern and it is crocheted.  I.  Don't.  Crochet! 

I thought, "How hard can it be" and gathered a crochet hook (from Wal Mart) and some peach colored Peaches and Cream, and started.  I followed all the directions and ended up with a hot mess.  It is so bad I could not possibly send it to Grace.  I had two options, to start over or to knit a cloth.  I decided I could not let this little wash cloth beat me.  I can crochet!!  Yes I can!!
The second time through I used some of my favorite Blue Sky organic cotton in a squash color and I crocheted as if I was knitting--counting stitches, frequently checking the pattern, and stopping every row to make sure nothing was wonky.  It worked and I am so proud of myself I just might crochet again, in ten or twenty years.  I suppose I could develop a fondness for crochet but there is the fact that it makes my hands hurt.  The only other time I did it around twenty years ago, I was much younger and it made my hands hurt.  I knew then that it would never be favored over knitting--that it would probably never be tried again. 
Our son and daughter-in-law were visiting from Chicago this week and our sweet DIL, who is always honest and direct, asked, "Mom, what are you doing?  That's not knitting is it?"  I told her I was crocheting a dish cloth.  She said, "It looks like it's hard."  I told her, "No, it's just me.  I'm making it harder than it is."  AND SHE SAID, "Well, I think you should stick to knitting!"  Smart young woman!!

Life is good.


kathy b said...

Life is good dear Katherine. Glad you got your arms around them!!! real hugs rock.

I can crochet easier than knit...Im odd that way> My Irish Granny Nana, taught me years and years ago .
I sent Grace's daughter a easy peasy knitted dishcloth in white with red trim crocheted around it.

Grace said...

thank you so much for making the effort, I can do both but my heart is a knitters heart!!!

SissySees said...

I agree... I can do both, but I like to knit and crochet... when I must. I want to try the Nubbie Scrubbie in another yarn... soon...