Monday, April 02, 2012

Flowers, Oil and Dog Toys

About a bunch of stuff today...DD brought me the table centerpiece from a conference last night.  She recently moved into nurse education after 18 years in the ER of our children's hospital.  Now she is traveling and attending a lot of meetings, banquets and conferences.  I didn't like it at first because I worry about her working long hours, but she continues to bring me the swag from her meetings and I'm finding that being bought is really nice!

Last night's meeting was about the Children's Alliance and a worthier cause cannot be found.  If you have a moment pop over and see what they have to offer in the way of contributions we can all make to children's health and care. 
For a while now I have been using Josie Maran Argan Oil makeup and moisturizers.  I was running out of the Argan oil moisturizer, which I have found to actually erase a few of my wrinkles and crow's feet.  It really does a good job!  My skin looks better than it has in many years.  Anyway, it was hard for me to justify paying $40 to $50 for a small 1.7oz bottle of 100% argan oil so I started looking for alternatives.  I discovered that a 4oz bottle of 100% argan oil, without the fancy packaging and the product brand, sold for only $8.99.  Imagine!!  I bought it and recommend it to anyone with aging skin.  What am I talking about--none of you have that problem!!

Finally, dog toys and new habits.  Macy and Max have decided (out of the blue) that new dog toys must take a trip outside as soon as they are delivered to the new owner.  It's grab the toy, run to the door, put the toy down, bark once or twice, pick up the toy and wait for the door to be opened.  The toy then takes a jaunt outside and immediately comes back in.  Can anyone tell me what that is about?  I am puzzled, no, bewildered!!  I've asked what is going on but neither pup is talking.

Life is good


kathy b said...

I love the centerpiece your dear daughter gave you!!!

I don't know why Macy and Max want the outside smell on the toys...what would Ceasar say?

SissySees said...

Love the centerpiece.

Gretchen never takes a new toy outside, but something an older one needs to be reminded how lucky it is to be an inside toy...

I don't believe Sissy has ever taken a toy outside.

Katherine said...

What would Caesar say? Hmmmm, "Inside toy or outside toy? Tis a double edged sword."
I think they have just decided to confuse Mom and keep me guessing. They are laughing at me. I know they are!!