I've been working on the knitting machine today. I'm still making the machine knit and felted tote bags. I guess I shouldn't have been working on Sunday or something, because it's been anything but smooth! I attached a different color yarn to the umpteenth row and didn't clear the yarn from the bottom of the knitting plate. Those of you with USM's know what that does. It drops all the stitches off the needles and the whole thing lands on the floor. So I picked it up and ran a circular needle through the stitches--rehung them on the needles, and started again. Yep, that's right, I did the same thing a second time. Wouldn't you think I would have learned to clear the yarn--but NO! So I picked it up again and this time some of the stitches had ripped back about four rows. So now I have one circular needle through the ripped back stitches and another through the upper stitches. I put it on the work table and decided to try again tomorrow.
Why is it that some days nothing works. We are the same people from day to day, same intelligence, same vision, same manual dexterity, even the same stresses. But some days I can't think past the end of my nose, and forget doing anything requiring keen thought and sharp reflexes. The next day I wonder what could have been wrong with me. I guess we all say and do things so completely out of character that we later wonder who that person could have been. It's like some force is directing us to do totally dumb and clumsy things. So, I won't wish for the "force to be with you" today, because I've had enough of it for both of us!
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