Busy, busy, busy--I've been going 60 miles an hour for three days, and it occurs to me that it's going to be this way until Christmas. I worked past 7:00 pm last night, and still managed to finish the second TUGG fingerless mitt, finish the ribbing on the Baltic sock, and begin the first lace pattern. I also decided that the blue cotton/wool blend that was going to be a summer sweater is going no where, and that the back that is already started is about the right width for a lacy shawl if I just keep knitting straight. (More about this later).
Do any of you do that? Do you change your mind in mid-stream and instead of frogging to reclaim the yarn decide what else this 12 inches of knit that you have finished can be used for? Maybe I'm the only one who is that lazy, but with my schedule as wild as it has been, I'm looking for all the shortcuts I can find!
As I said, Christmas is coming, and not only do I feel the need to knit gifts, I have friends and family who are beginning to say things like, "Can you knit me some heavy wool socks for Christmas?" or "I really need a pretty lace scarf to wear in the evening." All those requests and gentle hints put a lot of stress on all of us. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I resolve to find the time, between now and then, to knit all the requests and some extra things I have in mind as well. Knitters are suckers for people who love our completed projects, and want them for their own. It is a validation we can't resist. Knit on!
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