Sunday, July 17, 2005

They should have called me for Michael Jackson's trial!

Beth asked what happened at jury duty on Wednesday, and I had almost forgotten about it. It was an incredible nothing! I went to the trouble of transferring my ruana from Addi's to Denise so I would be carrying plastic circs, and made sure I didn't have any socks on dpn's in my bag (I always have one or two socks in my bag). I would have tried knitting with drinking straws if I had thought it would get me in with my knitting, but as it turned out it was all wasted.

I put my big black knitter's purse in the tray, walked through the arch, and there it was on the other side of the xray machine. Both security guards were busy talking to some woman--just passing the time of day, so to speak. One of them picked up the bag and shoved it into my hands and never even made eye contact. I know that they never looked at the xray screen as the bag was going through, because they were both occupied!!! Maybe they suspected her of being a mad bomber, because they were both hanging on her every word. I felt a little left out.

I know that if I had taken the Addi's and/or the dpn's they would probably have stopped me and made a big deal of it. Who knows--maybe not, but the important thing is that I got to knit all day. I'm wearing that ruana (from Knitter's Magazine, Summer 2005) as soon as there's a cool day in Texas--or Hell freezes over, whichever is first.

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